Sidelying Rotation with Stabilization
Sidelying Rotation is one of the classics in golf fitness. A stable lower body and rotating torso is one of the most desirable features of a golfer’s body. It’s the foundation to a good “shoulder turn.” Unfortunately, I see this simple exercise done wrong more often than not. In this video I take my time explaining the proper technique to this great exercise. Take your time as well when you apply what I’m saying in your FitGolf routine. When done correctly, you can hold each repetition for just a few seconds and do multiple repetitions (10+) or take your time and hold it for just a couple long reps.
Either way, it needs to be done with the spine rotation and torso in mind, not the top shoulder joint… that just leads to pain and possible injury. Aim to feel the primary stretch in your mid-spine/torso region. The chest muscle is secondary. If you feel the shoulder joint as the primary stretch you’re doing it incorrectly… start over and modify as mentioned in the video. Remember to breathe!

Jeremy Klinkhamer :: :: (619) 822-2175
Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT, GPS, & TPI Level 2 Certified Medical Professional is the Program Director for FitGolf Performance Centers of San Diego. Jeremy is one of the country’s premiere Golf Fitness Experts. He has spent the last 15 years working with hundreds of golfers in San Diego County.
FitGolf San Diego :: :: 619-822-2175
2990 Murphy Canyon Rd. San Diego, CA 92123

Disclaimer: Consult your physician before starting this or any other fitness program. If you (or your family) have a history of heart diseases, high blood pressure or have any medical condition that could be aggravated by physical activity or if your physician advises against it, DO NOT START this fitness program. Stop immediately if you feel discomfort, light-headedness, or nausea and call the proper medical expert. The user assumes all risks of injury.
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