Basic Cross Country Skier
The most underestimated source of power in the golf swing is stabilization. Quickly explained it transfers energy from one segment to another. In this exercise the powerhouse of your golf swing will be tested. Pick the resistance that you’re comfortable with now but add over the next few weeks to progress.

Jeremy Klinkhamer :: :: (619) 822-2175
Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT, GPS, & TPI Level 2 Certified Medical Professional is the Program Director for FitGolf Performance Centers of San Diego. Jeremy is one of the country’s premiere Golf Fitness Experts. He has spent the last 15 years working with hundreds of golfers in San Diego County.
FitGolf San Diego :: :: 619-822-2175
2990 Murphy Canyon Rd. San Diego, CA 92123

Disclaimer: Consult your physician before starting this or any other fitness program. If you (or your family) have a history of heart diseases, high blood pressure or have any medical condition that could be aggravated by physical activity or if your physician advises against it, DO NOT START this fitness program. Stop immediately if you feel discomfort, light-headedness, or nausea and call the proper medical expert. The user assumes all risks of injury.
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