Hip Warm-Up
Proper pre-golf warm ups have been a topic of conversation since the inception of golf fitness. The theories on it practically change like the seasons. Over the years we’ve learned that Static Stretches (>30 second hold) can possibly increase the chance of injury if done too close to the time of our athletic event. Researchers even started questioning the need for a warm up at all (didn’t turn out well). We eventually adopted something called Active or Dynamic Stretching. In this video, I’ll show you a couple great active stretching exercises we often recommend to our FitGolf clients.
Hip tightness seems to be all too common in the adult golfer. Prolonged sitting, aging and lack of exercise can really pose an issue to maintaining mobility we once had. In this exercise, let’s start making steps towards getting it back. Besides being an essential hip motion for an efficient golf swing, rotation of the hips is really important to keep our back and knees healthy. When the hips become less mobile other areas of our body, especially the areas directly above and below, take too much stress. Hip issues then become lumbar, sacroiliac (SI) and knee pain.

Jeremy Klinkhamer :: jklinkhamer@fitgolf.com :: (619) 822-2175
Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT, GPS, & TPI Level 2 Certified Medical Professional is the Program Director for FitGolf Performance Centers of San Diego. Jeremy is one of the country’s premiere Golf Fitness Experts. He has spent the last 15 years working with hundreds of golfers in San Diego County.
FitGolf San Diego :: sdfitgolf@fitgolf.com :: 619-822-2175
2990 Murphy Canyon Rd. San Diego, CA 92123

Disclaimer: Consult your physician before starting this or any other fitness program. If you (or your family) have a history of heart diseases, high blood pressure or have any medical condition that could be aggravated by physical activity or if your physician advises against it, DO NOT START this fitness program. Stop immediately if you feel discomfort, light-headedness, or nausea and call the proper medical expert. The user assumes all risks of injury.
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