Because your body is your most important piece of equipment®
Our golf fitness centers are here to help you on your quest to play better golf and feel better while you play. Lower your scores, improve your consistency, increase your distance, guaranteed. We have training centers across the United States to serve you. We stand behind our training programs to get you the outcome you want.
Effective fitness training for golf improves your body. That creates more consistency, distance, and lower scores. Our training activities include exercises for mobility, stability, strength, speed, power, explosiveness, and control. With centers countrywide, and an e-learning golf fitness system you can lower your scores and gain more distance from anywhere in the world. How are your functional movements? What is your kinematic sequence? How do you shift your weight? How does all of this affect your swing? Begin with an assessment to know what challenges you have in your body. Then begin one of our golf fitness training programs for body restoration or training to play better golf, with less pain…guaranteed. |
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Client Testimonials

“I have been sending my students to FitGolf San Diego for years. My students display more range of motion and generally look stronger as they are swinging the club. I also see much more turning both back and through the ball. I also have noticed that students that use the FitGolf program have the ability to stay in their posture during the swing. I feel that this is very important in order to hit strong, consistent shots. I have also been through the FitGolf program. I really have noticed a difference in how my body feels during the swing and from day to day. I would not hesitate to recommend FitGolf for anyone that would like to improve their physical well being and their golf swing”
FitGolf San Diego is truly the “Golf Fitness Experts”. My relationship with FitGolf has done the following for me. First and most important, they have made me a better teacher. I am now able to explain how the changes in my student’s golf game can produce better results. Second, some swing changes geared for drastic improvement may not be accomplished without a functional, stable and mobile body. FitGolf is just as important to my students as I am. I find them to be the greatest team mate a professional golf instructor can have. Our golfers will get better. John Darling, Head of Instruction, Maderas Golf Club, Poway, CA.
Physical issues were killing my golf game. Fitgolf developed a game plan to get me back on the course, (without pain), and to enjoy playing golf again. They helped me to determine how I was injuring myself with my current swing. They analyzed and provided me with data that helped me add length on my irons and 27 yards out of my driver. I now play without pain or worry about injury. If you ever wanted to know what it is like to work with professionals that treat you like a Pro then I highly recommend FitGolf.
Dean Knuth was a Senior Director at the United States Golf Association for 16 years. He created and developed the USGA Course Rating and Slope Rating System. He is a contributing editor to Golf Digest Magazine and is the founder of Panda Golf ( and
I have regularly taken golf lessons from a golf professional, and I continue to do so. However, I believe that within a few weeks, my golf game has gone to a new level because of my improved physical conditioning that came from the FitGolf program. I have recommended the program to several golfing buddies, who now see Jeremy regularly, and they also have seen improvement.”
After undergoing right shoulder replacement surgery, I began looking into a fitness program that would not only increase mobility and strength in my surgically repaired shoulder, but also address the balance and stability issues that resulted from the misuse of my right arm for over 17 years as a result of sever shoulder pain. As an avid golfer, I was also interested in a fitness program that would benefit my golf swing. I also needed to find a program that would work with my busy work schedule. I found the perfect fit – Matt Arcuri at FitGolf. In January, I began working on Sunday mornings with Matt, and I’ve noticed an improvement in my mobility, strength and stability. I’ve also noticed that these same benefits to the body have greatly improved my golf swing (which also suffered as a result of shoulder issues). In fact, my orthopod recently commented on the increased mobility and range of motion in my right shoulder. I look forward to continuing to work with Matt and FitGolf on my overall fitness and golf swing, and would strongly recommend Matt to those who have the same goals.
What makes Jeremy different from other fitness/ golf fitness trainers that I have over the years is his background in physical therapy. Due to my years of playing competitive tennis, I have physical limitations, injuries, and muscle strength and movement that make difficult to develop an efficient golf swing. Jeremy’s understanding of body movement trough his physical therapy background has been key to my ability to improve upon my physical limitation, and develop the correct muscle memory and flexibility needed in the golf swing. All of that while protecting and avoiding further injuries. Finally, Jeremy has a way to make the work out session a lot of fun —-which is the most important thing!
—–Waverly Whiston: 2014 USGA WAPL (2015); 2015 Women’s AM (-1, match play); 2016 USGA Women’s 4 Ball (quarter finals); 2016 USGA Girls Junior (quarter finals); 2016 Junior PGA (made cut); AJGA; SCJGA; SDJGA; Commit to University of Tennessee Women’s Golf
—–Nicole Whiston: 2016 USGA Women’s 4 Ball (quarter finals); 2016 USGA Girls Junior (field of 64) ; 2016 US Women’s AM; AJGA; SCJGA; SDJGAIf you are serious about your children playing competitive sports, and especially golf, they must be in top condition to not only win, but to be physically fit to withstand the constant practice and playing needed to excel. The best junior players are doing this now to be prepared when they play at the next level. In order to reach that next level, my daughters, Waverly and Nicole Whiston, required a golf fitness professional to help them achieve their utmost golfing potential. We found that professional in Jeremy Klinkhamer, Program Director for FitGolf Performance Centers of San Diego. Through Jeremy’s tutelage, planning, and persuasive encouragement, Waverly and Nicole have the stamina now to compete against major junior and Women College golfers on longer courses over multiple days. Jeremy has developed a program that has improved their stamina, golf muscles to control their golf swing, and an all-around attitude of knowing they have the ability to compete in the toughest situations. Jeremy’s knowledge not only provides for the correct golfing fitness regimen, but his knowledge of the physical anatomy has helped to keep both Waverly and Nicole healthy. His teaching has also helped the girls to be able to better understand the physical requirements of the golf swing and how to fix flaws on-the-fly, and they have fun when doing the work outs. And, they even work out on their own using techniques and exercises Jeremy has taught and instilled in them. Every college we visited prior to Waverly committing required their players to work out so, if you are not helping your children with proper training and increasing physical fitness now, they may be falling behind. Jeremy Klinkhamer and FitGolf San Diego is the way to go!
Side note: I also took Jeremy’s fitness training and it helped me to again play better golf and remain fit and enjoy playing.